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Don’t Think. Just Dance.

Patricia Becker is an actress, dancer and choreographer from Argentina. She has an extensive dance background going back to her childhood, when she studied ballet and modern dance. 
She started dancing Tango in Cordoba, Argentina in 2004, in 2009, living and working as an actress in New York City she rediscovers the love for Tango. She was able to understand the depth and uniqueness of this dance and a passion for exploring its secrets was born. Since that moment she never stop learning.
She had the opportunity to train with some of the most prominent and acclaimed tango teachers, while also studying other body and movement disciplines to further develop her understanding of human body mechanics. Feldenkrais has become one of the techniques used in tango classes she teaches. 
Key focal points of Patricia’s teaching are to develop an understanding of how to move the body naturally and effortlessly, as well as the connection and unity between dance partners. 
In the last few years she has worked alongside key figures such as Oliver Kolker, Alex Krebs, Jay Abling, Marc Hussner and others. She’s systematically invited to several festivals in the US tango scene.

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